Friday, February 15, 2008

Week 5, Day 3

On Wednesday I had a really good run. At first I started running at 5.0 mph, but my legs ached again and I felt like I was pounding. I decided to run a little slower - 4.7 mph - to see how my legs felt at that pace and they felt MUCH better. Even though I can run at 5.0 mph without getting breathless, it can't be a good thing if it's killing my legs...

I ended up walking for 3 minutes to warm up, ran :30 at 5.0 mph, ran 12:15 at 4.7 mph (which equals a 12:45 min mile)., walked 1:30, ran 12:45 at 4.7 mph, walked 1:00, ran 1:46 at 6.0 mph until I reached 2.5 miles (at which point I took the above pic), walked 10:00 at 3.0 mph until I reached 3.0 miles. So, at least I now know that I can run/walk a 5K in under 45:00!!! ;o )

BTW... I was wearing my Brooks shoes.

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