Thursday, August 31, 2006

Weight Loss Challenge

Since my boyfriend, Jim, and I started dating 10 months ago, we both have put on a few extra pounds. Admittedly, I love sweets, especially sugary sour candies like strawberry belts made by the makers of Jelly Belly and Harmony brand sour gummy bears - yum. However, I DO have the will to resist these temptations... Unfortunatley, though, Jim is not the best influence when it comes to eating right - he refuses to eat vegetables of any kind and has a major sweet tooth for chocolate. Further, since Jim joined my gym about 4 months ago, we have worked out together exactly 1 time and he has yet to workout by himself. Starting tomorrow, though, Jim has promised that he will work out with (and without) me more often and be more supportive in healthier food choices. We have decided on a challenge where he will lose 1.5 times the amount of weight I lose. I'm very excited and I'm hoping that this challenge will be the push that I need to get back to a healthier weight. Now I need to figure out my reward when I win...


prez said...

Your man's got a fever, and it's keeping him from working out, and the only prescription is...

the Jack LaLanne Juicer.

Mark said...

Hey...where did the link to my blog/site go.

You cant give and then take away.

Anonymous said...
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Mark said...

You got spammed!