Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Mouse Tales

So Jay apparently has a wee bit of a mouse problem in his house. On Sunday night he caught a mouse in a trap and last night he said that he "chased" another one around for a bit... While laughing my ass off at this image, I remembered a very hilarious mouse story about little Marky and for those of you who don't remember (or have never heard it), here goes:

When Marky moved to San Diego, I moved in to his townhouse in Hayward... Marky was helping me move my things in (which had been in storage for several months, I should add). When Marky picked up the second-to-last item (my table top) in the U-Haul, a mouse ran out from behind it and ran behind the last item (my desk top). Needless to say, Marky screamed like a little girl - yes, it was only one scream, but it was still a very high-pitched girly scream - and jumped out of the U-Haul with my table top. So... I'm in the U-Haul with the desk top and the mouse and Marky nervously peering inside. When I pick up the desk top to bring it out of the U-Haul, the mouse runs directly towards Marky who begins screaming repeatedly in his high-pitched girly voice, "Ah anh ah ah ah" while kicking the air with his foot. The mouse lands on the ground near Mark and then runs into the neighbors landscaping... Marky still screaming and kicking the air for a full 30 seconds after the mouse runs away. I, of course, crumble to my knees in a FIT of laughter, unable to move for fear that I will pee my pants!!! That was, by far, one of the funniest Marky scenes I've witnessed. Obviously, I reminded him of this scene over and over and over for many months, but it was eventually buried in my memories until Jay pulled it out with his mouse story... So, thank you Jay - now Marky's story is in my blog, never to be lost again... safely stored for my reading pleasure (and all of yours) for all eternity.... :o )


Mark said...

That mouse was very, VERY fast.

prez said...

So is Mark a man, or a mouse?

Mark said...

I am a man...not fond of fast mice.