Thursday, July 31, 2008

Week at a Glance

July 25 to July 31

Friday: Sh Boom's

Saturday: Recovered from night at Sh Boom's
Played darts at Crown Billiards

Sunday: Happy Birthday Trae!
Carmen's BBQ
The Great Debaters

Monday: Night Secretary
Uncle Yu's
Charlie Wilson's War

Tuesday: Happy Birthday Lisa!
Found out T-Rev has been skipping summer school
Met with DJ and T-Rev re plan of action
First Sunday

Wednesday: 94.9 Comedy Jam's Best Comic Standing Search at Cobb's

Thursday: Ankle x-ray at Eden
Ran 1 mile, Rode 4.5 miles
Night Secretary

Monday, July 28, 2008

Sh Boom Sh Boom

So... Friday night Noni and I went to my local bar/club, Sh Boom's, and of course I drank too much, danced on the gogo boxes, and freaked another lady... Typical night out, right? BTW, I'd like to point out that this club touts itself as a "club for grownups" - I guess not all of us "grownups" know how to act right. Then again, my antics could be the reason why some people return every weekend! ;o )

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

We can't all be writers...

Recently I have made an attempt to post more blogs. I thought it would be nice to look back at them months and years in the future. What I have realized, though, is that I do not enjoy writing. This, of course, is not the first time I have realized that writing is not my favorite pastime... but I think I block out this important information every time I decide to write something and then it comes back to me halfway through the process... I wish that I could find a subject that I am passionate about - something that makes me want to write - yet I'm really just not that passionate about anything. Maybe it's time to find something... anything... that truly moves me to write.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Snow Lake

I was in Seattle for the weekend and went for a hike to Snow Lake. To my surprise, it really was a snow lake! Absolutely beautiful...

Snow Lake
Near: North Bend, WA
Distance: 6 miles round trip
Elevation Gain: 1200 ft
Hike Time: 3.5 hours
Difficulty: Moderate
Trail Condition: Well maintained, but lots of jutting rocks, some patches of slippery snow, and a few areas of flowing water to cross which of course my fairly new shoes were incapable of avoiding - who likes white shoes anyway?
Summary: This trail is one of the most heavily used in the Northwest, and for good reason! It has beautiful scenery, and great views of the Snoqualmie Valley. Once you arrive at the top of the ridge, you hike down into a bowl, with Snow Lake, awaiting, as your reward. This is one of the largest lakes in the Alpine Lakes Wilderness Area.
Trailhead: From Seattle, take I-90 East to Snoqualmie Pass. Get off on exit 53 and turn left. Follow the road until it ends at the Alpental Parking Lot. Proceed up the road past the gate approximately 100 feet. On your right, is a clearly marked trailhead.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Raider Nation

My friend, Noni, and I purchased season tickets to the Raiders this year and I am SO EXCITED because our tickets are going to be sent out by the end of the month - woohoo! Yes, yes, I realize that the Raiders rarely win... Yes, yes, I realize that some fans can get a bit heated when supporting/defending their team... (I am one of those fans, after all. ;o ) But I don't care. I just know that with my support (and Noni's, of course), the Raiders are going to be GREAT! And, I have a feeling that I'm going to meet my future husband at one of the games... $900 well spent.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Got pics?

I just picked up some pics at Walgreens... A few weeks ago T-Rev and I went camping at Del Valle Regional Park in Livermore with my best friend JoJo and her family. (Jordan was in Tampa with his dad - T-Rev couldn't go to Tampa because he has summer school...) Anyway, we decided to rent a boat and spend a couple of hours on the water. I found a water camera in my beach bag that had some pics remaining on it so we finished up the roll... To my surprise, there were pics from 2004 on the camera as well - yes, 2004! I've had a digital camera since Jordan was born in 1999 and I rarely have hard-copy pics printed anymore, but it really is surprising to me that I didn't finish the roll in the water camera and print the pics before now. And thinking about it, I'm sure I still have some rolls of film in my 35mm camera bag that need to be processed as well... Does anyone still regularly process 35mm film? And, I wonder how many people still have unprocessed rolls of film that were taken YEARS ago...

Diving 101

This past week Jordan and I have gone to the pool several times because it's been warm outside. T-Rev hasn't joined us because he's been on "Live" with his X-Box 360 every chance he gets and is incapable of communicating with people face-t0-face and actually getting physical these days. Unless, of course, you consider "Mom, stop nagging" a form of communication and the walk from his room to the refrigerator a form of getting physical. And, of course, the trek from his room to the garbage can is totally out of the question...

Anyway, back to swimming with Jordan. Even though I personally have NEVER dived and am VERY AFRAID of going head first anywhere or anytime, I have decided to teach Jordan how to dive. Um, ok... I first told him to get on his knees and then to lean head first (with his arms leading the way) into the water. He seemed ok with this so I next told him to do the same thing while standing. After several attempts, he seemed to be ok with this. Finally, I told him to get a running start and to jump up and dive into the water... He's yet to master this move. Maybe I'll sign him up for a class or something. I love to see people dive and it's so cute when a child does it. Who knows, maybe I'll sign us both up! Here's a video of him showing off his diving moves from reverse learning order... ;o )

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

iPhone but T-Rev doesn't...

So the new iPhone 3G came out this past Friday, July 11. My son T-Rev has been anxiously awaiting its release and even sold his $300 iTouch (which he bought in February) for $100, and sold several $60 video games for $10 each so he could use the money for the iPhone. Kids these days have NO concept of money... Anyway, it seems as if everyone who missed out on spending $500 on the first generation iPhone is now clambering to spend $200 on the iPhone 3G. I have called every single Apple and AT&T store in the Bay Area and the only store I could find that still has the 8G 3G in stock is the Apple store on Stockton in San Francisco. However, there were at least 50 people in line when I went there yesterday afternoon - 3 days after the iPhone went on sale! Needless to say... T-Rev still doesn't have the iPhone 'cause there is no way I'm standing in a line of 50 people to buy my 16 year-old son a phone - even if I could kill time surfing the web, making phone calls, listening to music, and sending emails on my now-ancient first generation iPhone... Ha!

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Phallic H2O

I found this pool of water on my counter top this morning... Does this mean that I'm going to get "lucky" soon???

Saturday, July 12, 2008

BBQ Party

Today we're having a BBQ at my complex, complete with pool games for the kids... While the adults lounge around the pool and watch - 'cause of course we can't swim while the kids are playing their games. I hate these things, but Jordan really wanted to come so we're here.

The main reason I post, though... Why DO I hate these things, exactly? I mean, I'm an incredibly social person so you would think that a complex BBQ would be my thing, right? I think I've learned, though, that I don't like forced socialization - I like to choose who I socialize with... Basically, I don't want to be "friends" with someone just because we are both stupid enough to pay a ridiculous amount to live in the same complex... Am I the only one who thinks like this?

Thursday, July 10, 2008


A pic of my new tat - got it in Vegas for my bday. :-D

Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Back to Running

After a 3-week hiatus from working out I'm back in the gym and back on the treadmill. For the past 3 days I've run a mile - yes, just one - then either lifted weights or rode 5 miles on the cycle. I've learned that I really enjoy running and how great it is to work up a major sweat in just 10 minutes! I'm going to keep it at a mile for the rest of the week and then next week I'm hoping to run 2 miles on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Then maybe 3 miles for week 3.