Thursday, January 10, 2008

I'm a Lifesaver!

I donated blood this morning and I received a card thanking me for being a lifesaver after I was done. Now that I'm back at the office, I've teasingly asked several people if they've donated yet today (there is a mobile blood unit right outside our office for today only) and I quickly realized that NOBODY seems to want to donate. EVERY single person I asked had an excuse as to why s/he didn't/hasn't/won't/can't donate(d). My favorite is from one coworker who claims she doesn't weigh enough - I wish I had that problem! There was a sign at the "snack station" on the donation bus that said that 60% of the population is eligible to donate but only 5% of us do so. Wow. Honestly, though, I know I don't donate enough. I've been "gifted" with O- blood, the universal donor (anybody can receive O- blood). However, those of us with O- blood can ONLY receive O- blood. Oh gee, thanks. Sounds a lot like how my love life works.

1 comment:

Mark said...

You blow O- blood?