Thursday, January 31, 2008

Beggars Can't Be Choosers, Or Can They?

About 2 1/2 years ago I had lunch with a friend of mine at a local sandwich/salad place in San Francisco. Neither one of us finished our lunch and we both decided to take the leftovers with us. A few blocks away, however, my friend and I encountered a homeless man begging on a corner and my friend gave the man his leftovers. My immediate thought was, "Does he really think this homeless man wants to eat his leftovers? He should have given him money to buy his own..." (Not that I gave him my leftovers or any money - who am I to judge, right?) Mind you, this happened a couple of years ago and I still think about it EVERY time I see a homeless person. I wonder if that man ate my friend's leftovers or if he threw them out. I wonder how hungry I would have to be to eat a stranger's leftovers. I wonder if I should make it a habit to give homeless people my leftovers, or specifically set aside half of everything I order to give to a homeless person... I wonder, I wonder, I wonder...

Which brings me to my thought this morning - after I saw the homeless person and thought about my friend's leftovers... Anyway... my thought this morning was, "Isn't it interesting how some events stick with you, repeatedly popping up in your thoughts, while other events are forgotten moments after they've transpired?"

1 comment:

Mark said...

I had a very clever comment to leave, but I can't remember what it is.