Monday, September 08, 2008

Raiders recap...

Ok, so obviously the game sucked... but I still had a great time at the game with JoJo. We had planned on getting there around 4:00 to tailgate with my friend Rob, but of course we didn't get to the game until 5:45. We tried calling and texting Rob and while we were waiting for a reply, we decided to take a shot from the bottle of Cabo Wabo that I had in the trunk of my car for sharing at the tailgate. And, of course JoJo had shot glasses in her purse... but no lime... and, since JoJo didn't want to take shots of tequila without lime, she approached another tailgate party and asked for lime... (btw, that's a pic of the lime I found on top of my convertible at the end of the game... lol) but then offered shots of tequila in exchange... not quite an equal exchange, but ok... Fortunately, the lime providers realized the uneven exchange and offered up some of their yummy carne asada as well and since JoJo and I were starving (we were planning on eating at Rob's tailgate but had yet to hear back from him), we took them up on their offer! After 4 shots of Cabo Wabo and 1 really big piece of carne asada on a warm corn tortilla, we thanked our new friends for the hospitality and were off to find Rob (he had called with directions). Either we were too drunk or Rob's directions were lame because we couldn't find him. We did, however, gets lots of attention from other Raiders fan and one man even tried to get in on one of our pictures!

After Noni put the game on "WTF" status and our buzz wore off, JoJo and I decided to head towards Rob's seats so we could buy him a drink. Thankfully we had a drink on the way because after trekking all the way to the other side of the stadium we find out that Rob is visiting a friend 2 rows behind my season ticket seats (which are in Section 146, but Noni was sitting in those seats - I was sitting in my half-season ticket seats in Section 147). Funny enough, Rob's friend (he's in the white hat) and his son (he has his sunglasses on the back of his head) are in this picture that I took of Noni during the game... Anyway... When we finally find Rob we tell him that he now has to buy us a drink and he graciously complies... but JoJo decides to head back towards Rob's seats because she saw a friend and wanted to say hi. Ridiculously JoJo asks me to "hold" her drink so she can quickly head over and then come back. Needless to say, by the time JoJo returns both my drink and her drink have been consumed and unfortunately the "bar" was closed as it was after the 3rd miserable quarter. When the game had 4:35 left in the 4th quarter and Raiders were down 41 to 7, I announced that I couldn't take anymore so JoJo and I headed out in search of something to eat.

We ended up at an In-n-Out and after going through the drive-thru (the dining area was closed) we sat in the car and ate. (Here's a pic of me in the parking lot - I'll let you speculate as to what exactly I'm doing...) And, since we had suffered enough punishment for the night, decided to head home. FYI, the Raiders lost - 41 to 14... Yeah, they were definitely annihilated... :o (

BTW... I few comforting words from my friends who supported me (and the Raiders) even though they couldn't make it to the game... "Wow. This is bad." "This sucks. I'm disappointed... Sorry!" "I turned on the game and thought I was watching track and field, as many yards as the Broncos were running... LOL." Thanks for the support guys!


Turtle said...

Okay, WTF is that? If this is how the rest of the season is going to be it's going to be a LOOONNNGGG one. I'm still jealous though that you got to go and I didn't. Did you sport the PINK????

Turtle said...

By the redness of your eyes I'm guessing you were about a 0.10 to 0.12 BAC while peeing in the In-N-Out parking lot...God I love tequila!!! Especially Sammy Hagar's tequila....It makes your clothes fall off!!!!!! Good times!!!