Friday, August 29, 2008

Another Mouse Tale

I recently remembered another "funny" mouse tale - this time, though, the story has nothing to do with Mark and it makes me shudder rather than laugh when I think about it. But it's still worth recounting...

About 15 years ago, my boyfriend and I decided to go to Tahoe for the weekend to ski. We set out on a Friday night in a lowered '88 5.0 convertible Mustang - the perfect car for a trip to the snow, right??? Um, wrong... We planned on driving up I-80 and stopping somewhere for the night and then turning towards Tahoe in the morning since I-80 is usually much clearer than I-50 (details you don't necessarily need, but I've included them nonetheless)... Even though we didn't have the best car for the snow, we at least packed snow chains (and of course it snowed). When we were required to use the snow chains, however, my boyfriended decided that it would be safer to take the next exit off the interstate (which happened to be the exit towards Emigrant Gap) rather than to just pull to the side of the interstate... and of course we got stuck in the snow because the snow plows don't plow the exit ramps (just the interstate) and the snow was too high for the lowered Mustang. Good times.

I'll skip the 2 hours of frustration at being "stranded" on the side of the road because this blog isn't about that - it's about mice... but eventually we were picked up and taken to the Bates Motel. Ok, maybe not literally but it was certainly very spooky and seemingly out-of-the-way at that time of night. There were approximately 12 rooms, none of which appeared to be occupied - the fact that there were no cars in the parking lot added to my suspicions. And, the rooms didn't have a bathroom - there was a communal bathroom down a long dark hallway that I refused to use for fear of being hacked by Norman Bates himself while showering (or going potty for that matter)... Our room consisted of one bed, one nightstand, and one window with hardwood floors - it was very basic and practically bare. This information is only relevant because it added to the "spooky" factor for me and it certainly wasn't very comforting.

Moments after turning out the light and settling in to bed (fully clothed, of course, because I just knew that I was going to have to run for my life at some point throughout the night and I wanted to be prepared!), I hear scratching sounds on the wall!!! Of course every conceivable (and some inconceivable) reason why someone might be scratching on the wall instantly ran through my head and none of them calmed my nerves!!! Thankfully it didn't take me long to figure out that there were mice inside the walls, but I was still very freaked out! I made my boyfriend pull the bed away from the wall because I felt safer and I tried really hard to fall asleep so that morning would come quickly! Whether it was real or imagined, I heard mice running around in the walls and in our room all night! And, throughout the night, I "felt" mice running around on the comforter and would kick my legs out to send them flying just in case I wasn't imagining it! Needless to say, at the crack of dawn I was up and out of the Mouse Motel without a second look back! Eek!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008


The best thing 'bout the Raiders on August 23 was these fans...

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Back to running...

And so out of shape! Ugh...

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Mouse Tales

So Jay apparently has a wee bit of a mouse problem in his house. On Sunday night he caught a mouse in a trap and last night he said that he "chased" another one around for a bit... While laughing my ass off at this image, I remembered a very hilarious mouse story about little Marky and for those of you who don't remember (or have never heard it), here goes:

When Marky moved to San Diego, I moved in to his townhouse in Hayward... Marky was helping me move my things in (which had been in storage for several months, I should add). When Marky picked up the second-to-last item (my table top) in the U-Haul, a mouse ran out from behind it and ran behind the last item (my desk top). Needless to say, Marky screamed like a little girl - yes, it was only one scream, but it was still a very high-pitched girly scream - and jumped out of the U-Haul with my table top. So... I'm in the U-Haul with the desk top and the mouse and Marky nervously peering inside. When I pick up the desk top to bring it out of the U-Haul, the mouse runs directly towards Marky who begins screaming repeatedly in his high-pitched girly voice, "Ah anh ah ah ah" while kicking the air with his foot. The mouse lands on the ground near Mark and then runs into the neighbors landscaping... Marky still screaming and kicking the air for a full 30 seconds after the mouse runs away. I, of course, crumble to my knees in a FIT of laughter, unable to move for fear that I will pee my pants!!! That was, by far, one of the funniest Marky scenes I've witnessed. Obviously, I reminded him of this scene over and over and over for many months, but it was eventually buried in my memories until Jay pulled it out with his mouse story... So, thank you Jay - now Marky's story is in my blog, never to be lost again... safely stored for my reading pleasure (and all of yours) for all eternity.... :o )

Friday, August 15, 2008

Week at a glance

August 8 to August 14

Friday: Raiders/49ers Game

Saturday: JoJo's B-day Party (Sac)
Zokku's w/JoJo and Becca (Sac)

Sunday: KVN Giant's game and tailgate party

Monday: Night Secretary

Tuesday: Dirty Dancing (the movie)

Wednesday: 24Hour w/Jay
Cooked fried chicken dinner (MmmMmm)
Harold & Kumar Escape from Guantanamo Bay

Thursday: Tunel 21 w/JoJo (Sac)

Monday, August 11, 2008

Battle of the Bay "Recap"

Obviously I went to the Raiders/49ers Battle of the Bay game on Friday... and my Raiders pulled out a fabulous 18-6 victory against the 49ers. That's about all I can tell you about the actual game, though! Unfortunately I drank a bit too much and didn't really watch the game... You see, I spent the first half of the game away from my seats: (1) looking for something to drink other than beer (are there really only 2 cocktail stands at the Coliseum and why did one of them run out of tequila before the end of the 1st quarter???); (2) standing in line to buy cocktails (I had to buy 2 at a time after all my efforts to get there, right?); (3) taunting the 49er fans; (4) giving dap to the Raiders fans; and (5) visiting a friend on the other side of the field to see the view from his seats. I was in my seat for the second half of the game, but half of that time was spent getting to know my fellow season ticket holders - or the suckers who paid double the ticket price to be at the game in their stead... Regrettably, I was way to tipsy to remember a single thing about any of them - hopefully they were all tipsy as well. :o ) BTW, kudos to my date (Jay) for being my equal (though opposite in taunting and dapping the other fans) throughout the evening - what a trooper and maybe even a keeper!!!

p.s. If you lost your Ed Hardy sunglasses at the game, I found them! But I'm sure you will agree that they look much better on me and you won't mind if I keep them... Thanks!

Friday, August 08, 2008

Battle of the Bay

Tonight is the 2008 Battle of the Bay game between the Oakland Raiders and the San Francisco 49ers! Noni and I are at work, anxiously counting the seconds 'til time to head out to the game! Both of us are taking 49er fans as our dates for the game - you gotta love a little rivalry... especially for the Battle of the Bay game. Go Raiders!

Week at a Glance

August 1 to August 7

Friday: Sh Boom's

Saturday: Chili's
Stacey Monroe's

Sunday: Sacramento

Tuesday: The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor

Thursday: KMEL Block Party

Friday, August 01, 2008

Black Gold

I am obsessed with the reality show Black Gold. Has anyone else seen this show??? Basically it showcases 3 different teams - each with a "driller" and a few "roughneck" helpers. Obviously, each team is drilling for oil. I have learned that my understanding of drilling for oil was a little off, but oil drilling isn't why I watch the show...

I watch Black Gold because I am incredibly turned on by dirty men. No, not the kind of dirty man you conjur up when someone refers to a "dirty old man." I'm talking actual dirt on a man. It doesn't hurt if that same man is a little sweaty (not a lot, but just a little...) and there is also something to be said about a man working hard for his money... Fortunately, the roughnecks in Black Gold are constantly getting dirty and man-o-man is that incredibly sexy to me! Now I know why men get off on female mudwrestling.

One side note... Since I'm not a huge fan of sitting in front of the t.v. during an allotted time each week, I purchased the Black Gold series through iTunes. Basically, as each episode is released for sale, it is automatically downloaded to my iTunes account and then added to my iPhone when I sync it with my computer. (While this is a fabulous way for Apple to make more money... If anybody knows how to rip video content from the Net for free, please let me know... :-D).