Friday, September 22, 2006

I Love to Challenge Myself

As if my life weren't hectic enough, I've gotten in the habit of falling behind with my school work and then attempting some nearly impossible task like writing 3 papers on the last day of class, fully cited and referenced.

My current class (Drugs and Crime) started almost 4 weeks ago and I just turned in my first paper last night. I have 6 that are late and 1 more that is due tomorrow. Additionally, my last day of class is in 1 week and I have another paper and a group PowerPoint project that will be due by 10 p.m. on Saturday. So, that's 9 days for 8 papers and 1 PowerPoint project. I have plenty of time... maybe I'll take my boys out of town this weekend to Six Flags in SoCal.

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Now that's what I call support

I feel compelled to point out that Jim still hasn't gone to the gym with me. Nor have we eaten a single healthy meal together.